Technology continues to advance at a lightening speed rate making life easier and simpler for us 21st century citizens. Yet with this growth, our dependability on modern applications takes us away from the responsibility of doing certain things. Jihyun Ryou attempts to take this responsibility back through her interest in food preservation. She was provoked to use her own traditional knowledge and almost kick the modern fridge to the curb in her “Save Food From the Fridge” project. She created a series of food storage contraptions that oppose the modern refrigerator.

This project includes unique wooden shelves designed to control dryness, humidity, lightness, darkness and other elements conducive to food preservation using natural technologies. It also includes containers of sand that are used to keep carrots and leeks upright in their natural stance; small compartments of rice to keep spices dry; dangling hooks that dry fresh spice bouquets; and trays and jars filled with water to keep eggplants and bell peppers hydrated which also test eggs for freshness. (The fresh ones sink.) This exceptional project points out the most important roles of design while also teaching others to live responsibly.

“My design is a tool to implement that knowledge in a tangible way and slowly it changes the bigger picture of society. I believe that once people are given a tool that triggers their minds and requires a mental effort to use it, new traditions and new rituals can be introduced into our culture.”
