The city is a big place, and even natives to the urban environment can occasionally feel like a rat in a maze when it comes to navigating the tangle of streets and skyscrapers. “Global Model Village” is part of the “Little People Project,” an artistic exploration and portrayal of the scale of the world through the remodeling and repainting of model train set figurines, and the placement of those works in the city setting. This time around, the artist Slinkachu places the “village people” both on the ground and in the air. A group of harvesters stand on a manhole cover in a snapshot titled “The Food Chain” while a group of children run along a barbed wire – totally safe, no worries – in “School Run.” Another individual holds a pair of feathers, an Icarus-to-be who hopefully will meet a more fortunate fate. The series of works captures a hint of melancholy and loneliness, but also puts forth a feeling of individualistic hope and ticklish humor. Solo exhibitions for “Global Model village” will be held at Andipa Gallery in New York and London; the London show is soon to open on September 27th and the New York show shortly after.

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Kimberly is a graduate from MIT's Department of Architecture, and has recently joined the publication team at MIT OpenCourseWare. While architecture remains her first love, her interests encompass literature – epic poetry and Medieval romances are her favorite – and also fashion.

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