As artists, designers, and creative thinkers, we are always imagining a world outside of our own. Nothing may be as intriguing as to imagine what life may be like on another planet, or in another galaxy, especially with the recent release of Star Wars: Episode VII. We look to space exploration and the famous missions of NASA in an effort to understand these otherworldly experiences astronauts encounter. While new technologies may allow us a closer look at space exploration today, we often lose sight of the missions of yesteryear. To help widen public appreciation and general interest for space exploration NASA has recently released over 14,000 images of the Apollo missions to the moon via a public Flickr page titled, “Project Apollo Archive”. With 143 pages of these images, it is hard to argue with the fantastical reality of space, and perhaps we are one step closer to discrediting the wild, yet entertaining, conspiracies surrounding the moon landing.

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Elizabeth is currently studying Industrial Design at the Rhode Island School of Design. She is interested in the interaction between people and their environment, and how these relationships change through a personal interaction with design. Her work concentrates in fashion and home accessories with a playful edge.

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